The Bray Fund
The Bray Fund supports every area of activity at The Bray and is vital to the mission of promoting, celebrating, and sustaining the ceramic arts. In the words of Archie himself, The Bray makes available, “for all who are seriously and sincerely interested in any of the branches of the ceramic arts, a fine place to work”.
The Bray Fund supports the most immediate needs to ensure we remain a vibrant center for the ceramic arts serving our local, national and international community.
Donations may be made in honor or in memory of someone.

The Bray Endowment
A healthy endowment is crucial to The Bray’s continued success by providing reliable annual funding. By strengthening and growing our financial foundation we are ensuring the ability for The Bray to take artistic risks and to remain vibrant and nimble going forward. A gift to The Bray endowment is a strategic way to support the mission of The Bray year after year.
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116

Fellowships & Scholarships
The residency program is at the heart of everything we do at The Bray. By choosing to support an artist during their time at The Bray you are making an immediate impact by offsetting the living cost during the residency period. Fellowship awards allow artists to focus on their studio time and truly invest in their experience while at The Bray.
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116

Planned Giving
Make an investment in future of The Bray. Planned gifts to The Bray recognize the importance of the arts in our lives as well as the generations to come. The Bray is making the ceramic arts accessible and available to a broad public. To continue this good work, The Bray relies on a healthy endowment to provide stable income allowing future planning. A planned gift, or bequest, is a permanent legacy to secure The Bray’s important role in serving artists and nurturing our creative community.
Leaving a bequest for The Bray is easy and we’re here to help. You may need our Tax # 81-0284022. Our legal name is Archie Bray Foundation.
The Bray Society
When we learn The Bray is in your estate plans, we will invite you to join The Bray Society. A small gesture to honor your dedication to the future of The Bray. Members of The Bray Society will receive special recognition and invitations throughout the year.
Planned gifts of art make an impact by enhancing The Bray’s permanent collection.
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116

Program Support
Each year The Bray creates and produces myriad offerings to serve artists, collectors, educators, curators, and arts enthusiasts. Program support from individuals helps The Bray create exhibitions, display and care for our permanent ceramics collection, present innovative education programs, invite and host artists to work at The Bray from all over the world, and produce the first of its kind podcast network featuring a host of shows related to the ceramic arts.
A donation to The Bray supports many areas of our operation.
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116

Matching Gifts
Many employers offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees. You can double or sometimes even triple your support to The Bray by submitting a simple form through your employer.
Remember membership donations qualify to be matched as well and help stretch your contribution to provide more support.
It’s easy to participate, simply complete the steps provided by your employer either online or by mail to us:
Attention: Development
The Bray
2915 Country Club Ave
Helena, MT 59602
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116

Foundation & Government Support
The Bray is fortunate to have partnerships with many foundations and government supporters. A heartfelt thank you to the following:
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116
The Bray is funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana’s Cultural and Aesthetic Projects Trust Fund.

Clay Business & Sales Gallery
The Clay Business and Sales Gallery are unique and important ways to support the overall mission of The Bray as a non-profit. The Clay Business exists under the umbrella of The Bray and all profits support operations of The Bray. The Clay Business is also an asset to the international residency program, and to the larger community, by providing technical and material support. On campus, the Clay Business staff manufacture Bray Clay, including 19 wet clays for all temperature ranges. Our two pug mills produce over 380 tons of clay each year.
The Sales Gallery mission is twofold—to support The Bray operations and to nurture and invest in artists by featuring, promoting and selling their work.
Contact our Development Office, support@archiebray.org 406/443-3502 x116
Your involvement makes a difference. Your support now sustains the Bray mission to promote and celebrate the ceramic arts through the residency program, education, gallery, ceramic materials and technology, and community engagement on local, national and international scale.