Austin Coudriet

Austin Coudriet

Award(s): 2023 Frazza Fellow, 2024 Frazza Fellow
Residency Years: 2023
Posted in: Current Artist, Current Long Term Resident


Austin Coudriet’s studio practice is an ongoing tactile conversation between soft amorphous forms and rigid linear components. Daily visual experiences of infrastructure found within the natural environment are re-contextualized through the lens of play into nonrepresentational, interactive sculpture. Amid a collision of rudimentary shapes, inspired by Deconstructivist architecture, compositions are rendered. Lines find edges, and shapes find volume.

Austin is currently a long-term artist in residence at the Archie Bray Foundation located in Helena, Montana. Here he is able to pursue his passions of teaching, and working as a studio artist. He divides his studio practice between creating large-scale sculptures intended for public art installations, and design-oriented objects. In 2019 Austin received a BFA from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln with dual emphasis in ceramics and sculpture. Austin completed residencies at Clay Art Center in Port Chester, New York, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, and LUX Center for the Arts. Most recently, Austin completed a two-year residency at The Clay Studio of Missoula in Missoula, Montana.